Reading Scents Evokes New Memories

In Japanese Kodo, it's not said "smelling" scent, but "listening" to scent. In Art Perfumery, "reading" scent is important.

"Reading" means understanding the meaning of letters and symbols. By reading something, one understands its story. Each art perfumery has its own story. When the story and the scent are combined, it becomes Art Perfumery. Reading the story and the scent. Art Perfumery extends beyond that.

Scents are deeply connected to memory. When a certain scent evokes a certain memory, it is called the Proust effect. On the other hand, Art perfumery combines old memories with new ones. Reading scents evokes new memories connected with another dimension.




Art x Perfume x Street = AP

AP is the name of a street connecting Art Perfumeries



Roughly divided, perfume has three types. The most popular Designer Perfume (DP), the most hardcore Olfactory Art (OA), and Art Perfumery (AP) making its own specific space in between DP and OA. As of now, it's not hard to meet the romance-driven DP. But it's so difficult to encounter the radicality-driven OA. On the other hand, the critical-curiosity-driven Art Perfumery seems like in the firm middle. Therefore, it won't be impossible to make a street for reaching various Art Perfumeries. AP is the name of the street. Where does the street lead to? Take a walk focusing on your consciousness and nose.


Fourth Olfactory Revolution

In 1982, Alain Corbin referred to the "olfactory revolution" in The Foul and the Fragrant: Odor and the French Social Imagination. If this transformation of perception in the mid-18th century was the "first olfactory revolution," the 20th century's generalization of Romantic perfumery can be called the Second Olfactory Revolution, and radical olfactory art might be the Third Olfactory Revolution. And AP of the 21st century can be considered the Fourth Olfactory Revolution. Our sense of smell is transforming from public health to fashion, art, and art perfumery.


Art: a movement based on critical curiosity
The origins can be traced to Manet's 1863 painting "The Luncheon on the Grass." Art, which diversified in the 20th century, has become even more complex in the 21st century. The intelligence of art, which is changing its structure, is now shifting from human to non-human, but some point out that humanity can not leave humanity.

Perfume: a media mixed with scent
Derived from the Latin words "per (through)" and "fumum (smoke). The history of mankind and scent is old and is said to have begun with the "discovery of fire" (about 780,000 years ago). The 1882 "Fougere Royale" by Houbigant is considered the beginning of modern perfume.

Street: a place to move
Derived from the Latin word "strata (paved road)." It is also related to the word "stratum" so that can be regarded as a mark left behind after movement. Even though each destination is different, other events might happen when they encounter each other on the same street during their move. Movement and encounters are not limited to humans.

AP: a name of a street connecting Art Perfumeries
It can be traced back to the exhibition "AP" at STREET 3.0 in 2023. Considering the climate crisis and the global situation, AP is reaching its final point (or different dimension) in the history of humanity and scent. The final goal of AP is preserving Art Perfumeries beyond the DEAD END.

ART AFTER HUMAN: Art when humans extinct
In 2024, AP was preserved underground at MOCAF in the exhibition ART AFTER HUMAN as second chapter. 18 art perfumeries prepare for the next being of humans.




2023年、STREET 3.0での展覧会『AP』をその起源とすることができます。気候危機や世界情勢を鑑みると、APは、人類と香りの歴史においてその最終地点(あるいは異なる次元)に到達しつつあります。APの最終目標はアートパフューマリーをDEAD ENDの向こうに保存することです。

ART AFTER HUMAN:人類がいなくなった後のアート
2024年、MOCAFでの展覧会『ART AFTER HUMAN』の第2章として、APが地中に保存されました。18のアートパフューマリーが、人類の次の存在に備えています。